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How to use Motion Graphics Design and Explainer Videos for your business?

Updated: Mar 17, 2020

Statistics on video marketing are staggering! It is one of the most engaging forms of communication for businesses.

Product videos can increase purchases by 144% according to Neil Patel

A website is 53 times more likely to reach the front page of Google if it includes video.

A video on a landing page can increase the conversion rate of your website up to 80%.

In our modern cyber society, the digital citizen is overwhelmed by information all day. And because of that, people have less and less time to read everything. On average, people leave a page or a post full of text after four seconds and switch to something else (thanks to those of you reading this far). Whereas video will provide all the information they need in an engaging way. Google says that video will represent 80% of all internet traffic by 2021. YouTube will most likely become the primary search engine as people prefer to watch a video on a product or knowledge facts than to read about it. One main reason for that is because our brain is actually much better at processing images than text.

Video, when used correctly in your digital environment, makes it easier for your audience to understand your products and services and can help your business thrive by enhancing brand awareness.

So why not try Motion Graphics?

Motion what?

Motion Graphics Design is at the crossroads of graphic design, cinema and animation. That’s why it might feel a little complicated to define. Its scope goes from compelling titles and graphic animations to high-end VFX and photorealistic 3D. So motion graphics design is rather a set of techniques or skills combined together than a monolithic practice.

A popular format in Video Marketing is the explainer.

An explainer is usually a 60 to 90 second video that addresses a common problem encountered by your target audience. From there you explain why you have the perfect product to help, and you showcase its key features and benefits. The video ends on a CTA (Call-To-Action).

Motion Graphics Design is a perfect fit for Explainers! Thanks to its unparalleled versatility, it can communicate any topic in any format of time and space. And explainers are so popular because people love to learn something new or understand something they’re missing. For example, the success of the Vox YouTube channel (6.8M followers) shows people’s interest in the informative content. The way they use graphics helps to emphasize concepts that need clarification. Their designs are always consistent with the topic and the snappy animations retain your attention and make you look where the information is. The science channel Kurzgesagt – In a Nutshell (10,1M followers) uses fully animated videos, branded with a strong graphic look and feel. The animations make science facts a playful experience and fun to watch!

With compelling graphics, clever animation and storytelling you can deliver a clear insight about what your business does, but you can also bring in valuable information about your field of expertise. The audience becomes aware there is a solution for a problem, gain interest in your business and you become a trusted source of information. At that point, it helps your branding and that’s when the conversion rate goes up.

Watch this one for Thor Token’s payment solution using blockchain. A great creation by Andrew Vucko, one of the best acclaimed Motion Graphics artists.

The motion creates an unstoppable flow that guides you through impactful graphics helping to visualize the presentation by the voice over.

You can also use character based animation. Watch this piece created by The Furrow for Nymbl. The graphics convey the essential features of the app, helping to keep track of patient’s records. Characters allow to convey emotions, tell a story about us which leads to a deeper attachment from the audience to the video, hence the brand.

Constantin Brancusi said “Simplicity is complexity resolved” and I believe this is the essence of design, and precisely for a good explainer. In this example, the Studio Buck and the Agency TBWA nailed it in “Intention” for Apple with a timeless design. This video was shown at the WWDC event in 2013 and remains a Motion Graphics masterpiece in the industry:

We can argue whether this video is an explainer or not, but that’s the point. An explainer doesn’t have to be a straightforward down to earth pitch about what your service does. It can also be, just like in this Apple video, about the story and philosophy of a brand. A manifesto of who you are, your values and your purpose. People relate to that as well.

Now, Motion Graphics Design can help you in all other types of video content. It is not limited to explainer videos, but I believe it’s a good way to start. From all the work that needs to be put in the preparation and development of an explainer, the studio or the Motion Designer you’re working with can develop other formats in a broader marketing strategy. For example, some parts of the explainer can be broken down into smaller pieces of content for Instagram or Facebook feed, increasing the business’s R.O.I. Trust Studios and Motion Graphics Designers to be creative on the content for you. From there, the key is to make sure your message gets where your audience can see it.



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